Milk has been an integral part of the desi Indian diet forever, and only in some last decades, consuming milk became a debate. Almost every house had at least one cow, and collecting milk was a daily scene in almost all houses. This milk was then boiled and given to all the children of the home on priority. Not consuming milk was never a choice for all of us. The remaining milk was then made into curd, buttermilk, homemade butter (ghee), and some desserts like Kheer, Khawa, etc.
However, some research shook us off when they said that protein in milk is hazardous for health. Many of us reduced the intake of milk and dairy products thereafter. Later, another research arrived to assure us the result that milk produced from Indian desi cow breeds was not hazardous as they contain A2 beta-casein protein. Many of the European breeds and some mixed breeds now predominantly contain A1 beta-casein protein which causes an increase in bad cholesterol, type 1 diabetes, heart diseases, digestive intolerance, sudden infants’ deaths, and autism in kids.
This puts the light on the important point in front, that now undoubtedly milk is very essential to include in children’s diet, but which milk to be used? Which milk will provide all the essential elements, but not the hazardous ones? It is advisable to provide children with milk that is safe for their growth and overall health. A child needs approximately 500 mg to 700 mg calcium per day, which can be fulfilled with A2 Gosattva milk intake. This blog will elaborate on the health benefits of A2 cow milk for children.
1. Calcium-Rich Diet:
Kids naturally have huge calcium requirements as calcium is stored in bones and teeth and is necessary for proper growth. A2 Gosattva cow milk is the perfect source of calcium for children when consumed in the proper amount.
2. Source of A2 beta-casein protein:
As discussed already, Gosattva A2 cow ghee is a rich source of beta-casein protein, which builds good cholesterol. It also helps to build muscle mass, and repair body tissues.
3. Contains Vitamin D:
Gosattva A2 cow milk contains vitamin D, which is known to reduce all kinds of inflammation. Vitamin D also plays an important role in calcium absorption. Calcium if not absorbed well, the body fleshes out.
4. Helps in Brain Growth:
It is said that 80% of a child’s brain growth happens before the age of 5. Therefore it is extremely important to provide proper diet and nourishment to children up to that age.Even after the age of 5, till teenage, intake of A2 Bilona ghee will support the entire physical and mental growth.
5. Builds Strong Muscles:
The contents of Gosattva A2 cow milk will help in restoring fluids that get lost during rigorous Physical activities. This way, children doing sports do not suffer from tissue loss or any muscle problems. Regular milk intake boosts active and healthy children’s progression in every aspect of their lives.
It is recommended that children should consume A2 milk in its original form, and that should be made habitual for them from an early age. However, many children do not like the taste of milk, so we can make it interesting instead of only giving it warm and with turmeric. Here are some ways which ensure milk intake properly, if jot directly.
1. Milkshakes
2. Smoothies
3. Milk with cereals like oats or cornflakes