After years of only working for homes, in some recent decades, women have come out of their age-old cages and started working out of homes. However, their domestic responsibilities have not been cut short, only increased with modern world responsibilities. Taking care of everyone is a daily practice of women, but does anyone really take equal care of women? And therefore, the dire need for self-care has emerged more than ever. This topic being too close to heart, our research team has collected some really cool and effective ways of self-care out of our own experience…
1. Light Exercise :
Feels cliched? However, trust us, nothing can make you feel more comfortable, more caring, more loving, and more accepting towards your own self. No matter how much you love your work, a hectic work routine will always leave you feeling exerted. But a few minutes of exercise, be it quick stretching, Yoga, Zumba, a sport like badminton, or cycling, will certainly make you feel refreshed. Also, if you do not take care of yourself well through physical activities, then this modern lifestyle can cause serious health issues, which you, needless to say, want to avoid.
2. Indulge in a fulfilling snack :
We exactly know the morning hustle of preparing for full-day meals, getting your kids ready, getting ready for the office, and also managing a quick workout in all this. And, we also know how most of us tend to skip a morning breakfast or evening snack while stressing out watching the pile of work in front. However, we strongly recommend you all not to miss any meal of the day, be it a breakfast or an evening snack. You can always offer yourself a quick breakfast, a handful of dry fruits, or a glass full of nourishing Gosattva A2 milk.
3. Connect with a friend :
In today’s fast-paced work, we understand that you might not have met your college friend for ages. It is also natural to not have felt the need to connect with all those long disconnected friends while being busy with families. However, you have to trust us, that connecting with friends who once were close to you will work like magic and will affect your emotional well-being positively. A study has shown that women are reported to be happier being connected with their friends than being only family and career-oriented. Also, chatting with a friend will take your stress away in a minute.
4. Reserve some time for your favorite hobby :
Considering that all your weekdays are busy, we are suggesting you reserve an hour or two for your hobby for at least one day on the weekend. Don’t dedicate your weekends completely to fulfilling family members’ wishes, however, make them understand how much it is for you to have some “me time” in the form of hobbies. This will not only create support from your family but also will make you experience some peace and calm in your life instead of daily hustle-bustle.
5. Plan for refreshing and peaceful outings at least once a quarter :
We can never stress enough the importance of changing the place, changing the routine, and changing your set of responsibilities once in a while. All this suggests only one thing, trips, be them small. Do not be dependent on others to plan for you, be in charge of your own happiness.However, we suggest keeping the count of heads limited, so that you do not have to care for all and will not be able to enjoy the tour. Planning it neatly will certainly make you feel refreshed.